
Become a supporter of *akʷā and be forever remembered in our neon-highlited wall of gratitude. You'll be joining great people like our parents, flatmates and ____.

*akʷā wouldn't be possible without our great network of family, friends and collaborators. Thank you ❤️

*akʷā paradise

Soon, we'll be launching *akʷā paradise, a tiered subscription programme on Bandcamp and Patreon which will give you the opportunity to support *akʷā on a monthly basis. There'll be great rewards, you just wait and see!

Planet Akwa would not rotate without the labour, creativity and support of:

André Baumecker
Claudia Chan
Jose Gomez
Anna Haifisch
Kenn Hartwig
Jack Hems
Mary Herbert
Tina Kohlmann
Christopher Lacy
Svet Lapcheva
Timo Lenzen
Gareth Lindsey
Elisa Metz
Philotheus Nisch
Pia Sperber
Felix Taylor
Frederike Wetzels
Neil Whitten